Simplify Your Life
Finding Simplicity in the Chaos
Mary Ann Bryant, Productivity & Organizing Professional

I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. Phil 4:12

Before and After
"I always wanted a garden right off my deck." Whew so exciting!

Often times while raising our children, we have a room where we throw all our ideas for that "one day when I have time"... It was time to reclaim this craft room/storage/laundry room for this incredibly talented woman. We eventually built a craft table where painting, sewing, etc is happening with a house still full of people!!! A little laundry now & again as well :)
Paper, paper & more paper. We all battle with it... Together, we sorted and saved and threw. Ahhhh....
The pantry... Doesn't this happen to us all?... Just needed fresh eyes & a buddy & a "we can do this!"

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.
This was too much fun. After gathering all the change that was collected over the years, we laughed as we lugged these coins to a local coinstar and then laughed even louder when the total went up to $410!!! Organizing pays for itself!

This dear client is working so hard and so diligently to declutter with the eventual goal of downsizing. This was one of a few projects we completed in a few hours.

Reclaimed a hallway.
1st step: What do we have here?😊(photos/memorabilia/misc).
2nd: Pull out and put all like things together
3rd: Sort into categories
4th: Where does it all belong?
One hour later, all sorted by category, boxes to their new place where they can be further sorted & gave away a bunch.
Ahhhh... Isn't it peaceful now?

So children come along and the nice office meant to be shared becomes a place to put everything that doesn't have a home... The room downstairs that she had hoped to have as a sewing room was also being used as a place for him to wax his skiis and keep his tools. A few years later, it was time to reevaluate the husband & wife's needs. He just really needed storage for books, old papers & tools and she just needed a peaceful place to do her bills, collect the children's memorabilia & photos & maybe sew a thing or two. They did it!!